June is the sixth month of the year and my Blessed Birthday Month!🎊💕🙌🏼

June’s Focus: Good Days Are Ahead Of You!
“For He who would love life And see good days, Let him refrain his tongue from evil,
And his lips from speaking deceit.” — 1 Peter 3:10 NKJV
This promise is mentioned both in the Old Testament (Ps. 34) and here in the New Testament. The days ahead of you are good days that you can believe God for. It is God’s desire for you to enjoy life. Jesus Himself said that He has come that we may have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).
God’s will for you is to enjoy life and to see good days!
When the Bible mentions an evil day, it refers to a day of testing or trial. God calls it an evil day—singular—but when it comes to good days, it is in the plural form. God has many more good days for you. It is not God’s will for you to have long protracted seasons of suffering and trouble. Believe God.
Believe for good and speak it forth. You will see good when you speak good. 1 Peter 3:10 says, “He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil.”
Put your trust in God and in His Word. His word stands true regardless of the situation. God’s Word never changes. Heaven and earth will pass away but His words will never pass away. You can put your trust in Him.
Much Love ❤️, Much Prayer🙏🏽, Much Grace ✝️