You will receive many words over the next several weeks as 2020 begins to close in on us, but one word that I feel the Lord saying is: “This is the Year of (spell it) V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!” All the things that you have been believing for are about to manifest.
For the Lord says, “My time is NOW. I am ready to act. I speak over you:
No more hold-ups!
No more cancellations!
No more setbacks!
No more delays!
No more distractions!
I want My children to realize at this moment that it is a NOW season, because NOW faith will be needed in this hour! “Now faith” requires that you walk in expectant faith at every moment of every day.
Do not doubt My Word and promises any longer. In this new decade, beginning in 2020, you will experience V-I-C-T-O-R-Y! Yes, VICTORY on every level.”
I am giving you a great and strong desire to be with Me in this season.
My presence is the only thing that will bring you both true meaning and a craving for Me. I have promised, ‘Draw nigh to me and I will draw nigh to you.’ I am ready to show you My miracles, signs, and wonders that are getting ready to explode on this Earth. My dunamis power is getting ready to go off in your very spirit-being, lighting up this dark world for My glory!”
“V-I-C-T-O-R-Y is promised, and is therefore sure and absolute!
Victory in this new decade will look like and be bigger, greater, and more attainable than any other season of your life. This is My promise! This is My guarantee! This is your destiny! Take it! Believe it! Expect it!”
Wow! I receive that word from the Lord; don’t you? Hallelujah and Amen!