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November 2019 Focus


We’re told in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

Giving thanks expresses my trust that God is working all things for His good purposes (Romans 8:28) whether or not I understand how.

So, what am I thankful for?

Faith (John 3:16) Almighty God, thank You that I don’t have to earn my way to heaven. Thank You for the gift of faith. I know that I have been made right with You because of my faith in Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Family (1 Timothy 5:4) Thank You, Father, for creating families. Thank You for giving me my family as part of Your plan for me.

God’s Word (Hebrews 4:12) Jehovah God, thank You for giving us the Bible — Your Word. It guides me, comforts me and gives me hope.

Prayers of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:26-27) Sometimes I just don’t know how to pray, Lord. I don’t know what to ask for and I don’t know what to do. That doesn’t surprise You, does it? Thank You that Holy Spirit understands my weaknesses and that He prays for me according to Your perfect will.

Love (1 John 4:16) Abba Father, when I read that love is patient and kind, not jealous or boastful, not seeking its own, keeping no record of wrongs, I feel so inadequate. But when I remember that You are love and that You will love through me, I have hope. Thank You for wanting to shine through ordinary people like me.

Daily Problems (James 1:2-4) Jehovah-Jireh, You are my provider. If I didn’t have problems, my focus would grow inward. I thank You, by faith, for the trials of this life because they draw me to You and remind me that this Earth is not my home.

Suffering (1 Peter 2:22-24, 1 Timothy 1:8) How can a good God allow helpless children to endure great hardships and faithful saints to be persecuted? O Lord, I know the answer. It’s in Your Word. I only have to look to Jesus (1 Peter 2:22), who committed no sin yet was crucified for my sin. I remember also the apostle Paul (2 Timothy 1:8), who accepted his suffering for the gospel, believing that You would work it all for Your good purpose.

Creation (Revelation 4:11) Lord, as I see a golden sunrise filling the morning sky, watch a hummingbird outside my kitchen window, or gaze from the top of a mountain, I can’t help but praise You. Thank You for the beauty of nature and the promise that the best is yet to come. How great You are!

My Inadequacies (Proverbs 20:24) Lord, there is much about life that I don’t understand. But You didn’t ask me to understand, did You? You asked me to trust You, and You are trustworthy.

I Am Not in Control (Psalm 103:19) Jehovah-Nissai, the Lord our Banner, You go before me, and I am so glad. You know the many times I’ve prayed for specific things only to be grateful later that You said no. You have the big picture. So often You’ve answered my prayers with something much better than I could have ever imagined. You are in control, not me. Thank You for that.

Yes! Every day, I have a reason to give thanks in every circumstance. What about you?

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen!

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