The month of June brings laughter, joy, and excitement. June is also my birthday month. Take time where the energy integrates toward unity and compassion, a time of fruitfulness. Focus this month (re)prioritizing your goals, and then truly enjoy the most important things/people. This summer I’m concentrating on relaxing and putting first things first, and I’m challenging you to do the same. This year for me and hopefully you, JUNE mean...
J=Joy, Nehemiah 8:10, Galatians 5:22
U=Unity, Psalm 133:1
N=Nurturing, Colossians 3:16
E=Excellent, Psalm 8:1
Glory to God and Praise His Holy Name for allowing us to enjoy His creation everyday we arise!—Brenda Crawford
Much Love️ ✝️ Much Prayer ✝️ Much Grace ✝️