One day Christ will return and make everything right, and until that time believers are called to be His ambassador of peace. But salvation doesn’t automatically change a us into people of kindness and unity. At times we may be quick-tempered and impatient, struggling to live in harmony with others. What’s more, letting go of ingrained attitudes or habits can be difficult, even when clinging to such things causes hurt.
Thankfully God knows this about us. That is why he has sent his Holy Spirit to help us understand and apply Scriptures, say no to temptation, and to replace our priorities with Christ’s. Only He can produce spiritual fruit in us,which includes love, joy, and peace (Gal. 5:22-23). And with His help we become peacemakers who work to bring about reconciliation between God and others (Cor. 5:18-19). When our hearts are ruled by His peace, our relationships reflect His spirit of oneness (Col. 3:15).
The world may hope to find peace through man-made solutions, but you and I know the only source of lasting unity is Jesus Christ. Let’s pray that believers and nonbelievers alike witness the power of God that reconciles marriages, families, and churches. In the service of Kingdom building every day. Amen! (Reference: Romans 15:4-13)